Flexslider integrated
Use a beautifully styled flexslider to show multiple images in one section.
You can easily add the number of images you want and display them in a fashionable way.
Product gallery
Display lightbox powered images to showcase your product off in all of it’s glory!
WpXtreme from ILENOLIUKGO on Vimeo.
Video support
You can easily add embeded videos into your sections by using the iframe code.
Just pick the video you want displayed and enter it into the custom field.
View moreStamplay from ILENOLIUKGO on Vimeo.
Video right aswell
You can easily add embeded videos into your sections by using the iframe code.
Just pick the video you want displayed and enter it into the custom field.
View moreWhat do our customers have to say?

Great layout options
You can use up to 12+ different layout options to make sure you display your product beautifully. Add images, videos and even slideshows to liven it up.
12+ layout optionsEasy to use
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Left and right layout
You can use up to 12+ different layout options to make sure you display your product beautifully. Add images, videos and even slideshows to liven it up.
12+ layout optionsEasy to use
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Full width sticky image
Just one of 12+ possible layout templates for your products to shine!